One of the common issues homeowners face is failing garage doors. As the average garage door opens and closes at least five times a day, it will soon experience mechanical failure, leading to more severe actions. Therefore, homeowners need to know when to call for maintenance or repairs to keep garage doors in check. But when is it the perfect time? Here are some ideas.
1. Door Feels Heavy
A garage door may function normally, but its performance may feel off. Therefore, homeowners can determine the problem by checking the mechanism through a few simple steps. One of the easiest ways is to open and close it multiple times. You might consider calling for garage door repair if the door feels heavy.
If your garage door feels heavier than usual with each pull, it might be time for you to call a garage door repair specialist. A garage door may suddenly refuse to budge when it is halfway up. It means that the chain might have loosened. Homeowners can call a garage door technician to fix this issue.
2. Door Won’t Open Smoothly
A garage door may work adequately, but it may feel like the device is not working correctly. Most of the time, it is caused by a problem with the garage door springs. Therefore, if you pull the door up and it feels like it takes a lot of effort, you might need to replace the springs to avoid further damage.
If your garage door wobbles and won’t open smoothly but can still be maneuvered, it might be time to call a garage door repair company. Nothing is more damaging to a garage door than a bent track. It will make the door crooked most of the time, making opening and closing more difficult.
3. Noticeable Spring Gap
If you notice a large gap between the door and the frame when the door is closed, it might be time to call a garage door repair specialist. Before you get it fixed, you can do a test to check if the problem is caused by a broken spring. It will require the help of a ladder.
a. If the springs are broken, the garage door has lost its balance. If the garage door is nudging too far to one side, it is time to call a garage door repair specialist
b. If the springs are not broken, it might be due to the door being installed improperly. It is essential to maintain proper garage door height as it can significantly affect its operation as well as its lifespan.
4. Loose Cables
Garage door cables are responsible for lifting and opening the door. Therefore, if it becomes loose, it may cause a problem for homeowners. One of the most common reasons garage door cables become loose is lack of lubrication. If the wires are not lubricated, they can easily break and probably be very noisy. If you don’t hear any noise, the door won’t be opening and closing correctly.
5. Squeaking Sounds
If you have noticed squeaking noise while opening and closing the garage door, it’s time to call a garage door repair specialist. There are two common causes of squeaking noises at home. One is the rollers that are worn out. The other is the garage door hinges, which can be quieted with the help of some WD-40 spray.
Homeowners should know how to identify if their garage door is still in good condition or not. The signs can help you keep your garage door in good working condition. Moreover, you should learn how to identify the most common issues relating to garage door springs, as it will help you decide whether you should repair or replace them.
Garage Door Repair Irvine offers various automatic and non-automatic garage door services to help homeowners maintain their garage doors’ integrity and quality. Aside from maintenance checks and repairs, we also provide garage door installation and door replacement services for people wanting to try having better garage doors. Book an appointment from our website today and let us know how we can help.