In the first part of this series, we gave you a brief overview of garage door sensors and the many possible reasons they could be broken. Now, let’s dive in a little deeper to discuss how they work, why they fail, and how they may be improved. Read on to learn more.
The Makings of a Garage Door Sensor
Garage door sensors are made up of these elements:
The Photo-Eye
Infrared sensors should be installed 2 to 6 inches above your garage door. When you press the garage door remote, it sends a signal to the sensors to open the door. Photo eyes keep doors from shutting on people or other objects.
The Line of Sight
When your door is completely open, the photo eyes on either side will exchange an infrared beam. Only if the beam is intact will the door close. If a human, animal, or bicycle blocks the beam, the door does not close and instead reopens.
Testing the Garage Door Sensor
Your garage door sensor may be malfunctioning if it opens normally, does not close, or closes and reopens without trouble. This causes two issues:
The door cannot be shut. This problem could be caused by defective door sensors. Close the garage door with the remote or an interior switch. There is a problem if the door closes, pauses, and then reopens.
Second, when the door is obstructed, it automatically closes. This is yet another sign of a defective door sensor, and it is far more serious because it may cause danger or damage to your vehicle or other property. Sensor testing:
Determine the eyepiece height of the camera. Place cardboard boxes above the sensors once this is confirmed.
Place a box beside the garage door. Make sure the box covers one of the eyes in the photo. The door is closed using a remote control. If the garage door sensor is working properly, the door will stop closing and opening. The sensor is broken if the box is crushed by the closing garage door.
Repairing a Garage Door Sensor
There are two techniques to repair garage door opener sensors:
A garage door will not close due to unclean lenses. The lenses may be filthy. These lenses are composed of glass, just like camera lenses. Door sensors’ small photo eyeballs are easily dirty. Use a delicate cloth and a streak-free cleaner. Wipe away any debris or residue from your eyes. An excessive amount of water will infect the eye.
Garage door sensor failure is caused by misaligned image eyes. The eye angles in the photographs must be the same. Each sensor includes an LED light. A sensor blinking indicates that it is misaligned. Tighten the screws on the LED light bracket until it is aligned with the other. You can also move the bracket around. After the sensor lights are adjusted, the blinking stops.
Afterward, check your work. Put another box in front of the photo-eye. Control the remote. You have succeeded if the door closes but then reopens because the corrected picture eyeballs block the beam. If the door keeps closing and crushing the new box, there could be a bigger problem.
Ensure that the lenses are clean, the photo eyes are aligned, and there are no flashing LEDs. The last cardboard examination. If the door does not return to the open position and closes on the box, contact a professional.
Disabling a Garage Door Sensor
Disable your garage door safety sensor until help comes to avoid harm. By gently twisting a sensor, you can temporarily disable it. You risk causing irreversible damage to the system if you do not seek professional aid.
If your door sensors continue to malfunction after attempting the solutions listed below, you may have a wiring problem. For electrical work, always use an expert.
While this can be done on your own, note that wiring is difficult and risky. A garage door professional has the appropriate knowledge, skills, and equipment to remedy the problem. They can also evaluate the rest of your garage door system for any further repairs that are required.
Are you in need of an automatic garage door repair? Garage Door Repair Irvine is an esteemed team that can provide you with the services you need today. Give us a call and schedule your next appointment!