Are you aware that one of your home’s weakest spots in the garage door? They must be light enough to be raised and lowered even though they may look strong.
Exposure to powerful storms in your home might lead to issues.
Make sure your modern garage doors have the necessary wind rating if you want to avoid serious damage to your house.
The Strength of a Standard Garage Door
A typical garage door can typically withstand winds of at least 20 mph. This shows that they are usually unaffected by common thunderstorms or snowfall damage.
When the wind speed exceeds 20 mph, most garage doors won’t, though. Instead, at this point, they start to deteriorate.
A garage door can be harmed by sustained exposure to winds faster than 20 mph.
The typical minimum wind resistance for garage doors is 20 miles per hour. Doors may frequently withstand strong winds.
Many “wind-resistant” doors can withstand winds of more than 100 mph. These doors typically have a wind resistance of up to 50 pounds per square inch. Even impact doors are available that can resist gusts of up to 200 mph.
How Do You Calculate Your Garage’s Wind Rating?
On the inside of your garage door, look for a label. This usually takes the form of an orange, white, or yellow sticker that is adhered to the side of the door.
Try checking for the model number of your door online if you can’t find a label. The user manual for a door frequently contains information on wind resistance.
Once the label has been discovered, you can search for words like “design wind speed” on the label. This is the strongest wind the door can withstand.
More details than only the highest wind speed the door can resist can be found on the label on your garage door. You may see “PSF” followed by a low and high number on the label.
According to its PSF rating, a door can withstand a certain number of pounds per square foot of force. This makes it easier for you to comprehend how the door responds to wind pressure.
As wind can approach your home from many different directions, there are positive and negative PSF values. The amount of wind pressure your garage door can sustain is indicated by the positive number.
The negative number shows how effectively your garage door can endure wind pressure that pulls it away from its frame.
What Happens If There Is Extreme Wind Exposure to Your Garage Door?
Your garage will probably buckle inward or be pushed outward if it cannot withstand severe winds. Your garage door sustains significant damage as a result.
While certain issues can be resolved, it is more typical for homeowners to need to buy a new door. Your garage can flood with strong winds and additional severe weather conditions. Flooding or property damage may come from this.
Your garage is exposed to more than just the elements when a door is forced in or torn off by the wind. It also seriously jeopardizes the structural integrity of the rest of the house.
Modern houses are made to work together as a single entity. Pressure variations can occur throughout the house if a sizable hole develops in any of the walls. Your garage could become a wind tunnel, collapsing the walls or roof.
In the end, even modest garage door damage might jeopardize the stability of your house. Make sure to seek a garage door local service when this happens.
The Best Wind Load Rating for Your Application: How to Choose It
You might reassess your existing position now that you know all the dangers of a flimsy garage door. You should carefully evaluate the door’s wind resistance while looking for a new garage door.
Many homeowners want doors that can withstand winds of at least 50 mph. Storms, tornadoes, and blizzards are the problems that this shields you against. You might wish to select a door with improved durability if you reside in a windy environment.
Safety should be your main concern, but you should also consider your budget. A greater wind rating typically translates into a higher cost. But, remember that even in the absence of storms, having greater wind resistance might be helpful. If your garage door satisfies specific safety regulations, many insurance providers will lower your premium. Consider the wind strength when discussing with a garage door company in Irvine!
Garage Door Repair Irvine is a garage door company in Irvine that offers professional, qualified garage door installation and repair services. We also do gate installation and repair. Call us today!